News & Events
ALPS2023 Student Award, ALPS2023, R. Mitsumoto, N. Kuse, K. Inoue, Y. Nakajima, T. Yasui, K. Minoshima, and K. Yoshii, “mW-Level Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Generation Using Waveguide-Type PPLN Crystal in Single-Pass Configuration,” in OPIC2023: ALPS2023, ALPSp2-38, Apr. 20, 2023 (Apr.17-21, 2023/Yokohama, Japan)
17 presentations from the Institute scheduled for CLEO-PR
WATANABE Tomoki, Ph.D. Student, was awarded the Runner-Up of “HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2021”
An advertisement, “Shedding new light on SARS-CoV-2”, was published as part of the Nature Index collection on infectious disease
WATANABE Tomoki, Ph.D. Student, becomes finalist at “HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2021”